Life’s a Catwalk

Pride Kick-OffAre you having trouble remaining committed to your cause? Sometimes we don’t have it all together but we keep trying and that’s the important piece we should focus on. Don’t quit before giving yourself enough time to reach the goal so stay dedicated because transformation does and will take time.

Sometimes we need to take a step back and observe for a while. Tap into the creative side and make something happen. Sit in a different place, stand next to a good looking stranger (check for wedding rings before making this move), and strike up a conversation. My daughter is always complaining that I talk to everyone. I do…I find myself chatting it up with folks everywhere and I have met some truly interesting people.

Ask a co-worker to lunch and try a new place. If a solo venture is more your cup of tea, find the latest coffee house and make it an experience. I enjoy pretending I’m in a real city (Houston is a big town) and I find places that I can people watch. Last Saturday, I spent a few hours watching Le Week-end at the River Oaks Theater and strolled next door to the French café pre-show to have a glass of wine. As I sat at my table staring longingly out the window, I pretended West Gray was the Seine and the Avenue des Champs-Élysées and I was immediately transported to the romantic streets of Paris. Life is full of joy no matter what we face or where we are.

Find your red carpet and discover your raison d’être. It doesn’t matter whether people like it or not so feel free to flourish in your creative world.

Now that’s dripping sexy…

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  1. Marki Marchette

    I absolutely loved this article. It’s so me!!! I often take a step back, in an effort to be on the outside looking into my own Ideas. It allows me to see things from a totally different perspective, It helps me to visualize the steps I need to take. I’m also, always on a quest for new adventures, or recreating old ones. I love it!! Thankyou!!

  2. valerieremymilora

    What a delightful post Mimi! I grew up in Paris, France and LOVED sitting at a café and people watching! So much inspiration there and a great way to get “outside of yourself” as you weave intricate stories about the various people sitting around you. Thanks for this delightful trip down memory lane…

    1. Post author

      I’d love to relocate to Paris. It’s my dream!! Funny that you mention weaving intricate stories about the people sitting around you – that’s EXACTLY what I do. Thank you for the kind words :)

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